
Núria Alcaraz

Núria Alcaraz Coca is Graduated in Sociology specialized in Gender studies in the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2014) . She held a Master in “Women, gender and citizenship” in the Universitat de Barcelona (2014).

Currently, she is developing her PhD directed by Dr. Sara Moreno and Dr. Tània Verge with a FI grant in the research group QUIT (Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball). Her doctoral thesis is focused on the analysis of gender and class relations in political organizations comparing political parties and social movements. As part of her formation, she realized a short-term stay at the University of Edinburgh with the research group “Gender Politics” where she developed her theoretical framework about feminist institucionalism.

Her main research interests are related with gender and class relations through a feminist and intersectional approach. She is also interested in political participation and social moviments, inequalities in the labour market and domestic and care work. In a methodological level she is concerned about qualitative methods.

Contact: nuria.alcaraz@uab.cat