
Ricardo Esteban Legarreta

Lecturer in Labour and Social Security Law in the UAB. The main fields of research in his carrer path are the employment policies, especially with regard to disabled people. Besides, he has done some research on Social Security and social protection issues, mainly on unemployment protection, retirement pensions and sick leave benefits. The third area of research that can be underlined is corporate social responsability. Ricardo Esteban is member of The Institute of Labour Studies  (UAB) and the Center of Studies and Research for an Inclusive Community (UAB). He has participated in research projects funded by different institutions, and he has performed the role of main researcher in three of them. Nowadays he carries on the co-direction of the research project “La representación laboral en la empresas dispersas y en red: problemática, disfunciones y propuestas correctoras”, DER2017-83189-R, funded by the Spanish Governement. He is the author of three books, being the most important Contrato de trabajo y discapacidad (1999) and La Renta Activa de Inserción (2006), and he has coordinated some collective works, among them it stands La protección del empleo de los trabajadores de edad. Una perspectiva franco-española (2013) (whith Marie-Cécile Amauger-Lattes). In addition, Ricardo Esteban has authored several articles and parts of books in a wide range of issues.