
Sylvie Chaperon

As an “agrégée” (1987), I first taught in high schools in the Paris region. In 1993, I was admitted to the European University Institute (Florence, Italy) to write a history thesis entitled: “Le creux de la vague, les mouvements féminins de 1945 à 1970” defended in 1996 http://hdl.handle.net/1814/5740. This one was published by Fayard under the title Les années Beauvoir (2000). I was then recruited at the University of Toulouse Jean-Jaurès first as an assistant (1996-2000), then as a lecturer (2000-2012) and finally as a professor (since 2012). In the meantime I obtained a delegation to the CNRS (2003-2005) and supported my Authorization to supervize Phd research entitled “Du féminisme à la sexologie, variations sur le sexe et le genre” http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00403886/fr/. A book issued: Les origines de la sexologie 1850-1900, Louis Audibert, 2007 (reprinted in 2012 by Payot & Rivages). My research follows two main paths: social history with the study of women’s and/or feminist movements and the history of science with a gender perspective, particularly in medicine.

I coordinated the Arpege network (university gender studies at the Toulouse site) from 2011 to 2015, I have been coordinating the Arpege masters network since 2015 and I have been deputy director of my Framespa laboratory since 2018.

4 of my doctoral students have defended their thesis, I currently direct or co-direct 6 doctoral theses.