
Pamela Vaccari

Name: Pamela Lidice Vaccari Jiménez. RUT: 153191751. E-Mail: pamelavaccari@udec.cl pamela.vaccari@gmail.com

Degree: Psychologist, Universidad de Concepción-Chile (2000) Master: Psychosocial Intervention, University of Barcelona-Spain (2008) PHD: Social Psychology, Autonomous University of Barcelona (2013). Research Lines: Social Sciences (Gender, Discourse Studies and Social Change), Qualitative Research, Community Social Psychology (Community Mental Health) Current work: Higuer education lecturer, social researcher, permanent teaching staff Department of Psychology, University of Concepción. Undergraduate courses: Community Psychology, Qualitative Research, Social Psychology, Gender Approach, Role and Professional Ethics, Mental Health and Human Rights. Graduate courses: Analysis of qualitative data and modules of epistemology of social sciences and discourse analysis. Management functions: Coordinator of Professional Practices for Psychology Career. Member of the Psychology Career coordination team. Member of the Academic Advisory of Gender and Diversity Equity Directorate, Universidad de Concepción. Full member representing the University of Concepción of the Civil Society Council of Gendarmerie.