
Katia Valenzuela

Katia Valenzuela Fuentes holds a Bachelor degree in Sociology, a Master in Politics and Government from Universidad de Concepción and FLACSO Chile, and a PhD in Politics from the University of Nottingham. Her main research interests include political sociology, social and environmental movements, urban sociology, participatory action research and critical epistemologies. She is an assistant professor at the Department of Territorial Planning and Urban Systems, Universidad de Concepción and leading researcher in the project: “Political Subjectivities in the Defense of Territory and Socio-environmental Conflicts in Chile”. This project is funded by the Program of Academy Insertion, National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research of Chile (CONICYT). Prior to her appointment as assistant professor, Dr Valenzuela worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Centre for Sustainable Urban Development – CEDEUS, Centre affiliated to both Universidad Católica de Chile and Universidad de Concepción. Her last publications include: “Militant ethnography and autonomous politics in Latin America” published in 2018 in Qualitative Research (DOI: 10.1177/1468794118787712); “Civil Society Reconstruction: Popular Organizations in Postearthquake Concepcion”, a joint article with Dr Jeanne Simon, published in Latin American Perspectives, Vol 44, Issue 4, 2017; and “Student Movements and Pedagogies of Resistance”, a forthcoming collaborative paper (authors: Motta, Valenzuela, Dixon and Bermúdez) to be published soon in The Oxford Encyclopedia of Latin American Politics.