
Emilia Perassi

Full Professor of  Hispanic-American Language and Literature

Università Statale di Milano

After a PhD in Iberistics at the University of Bolonia, inn 2002 Emilia Perassi s is appointed Full Professor (for Hispano-American Language and Literature at the Faculty of Humanities, Milan State University.

 From July 2009 to June 2015 she has been president of AISI (Italian Ibero-American Studies Association).

From October 2009 to July 2013 she has been Director of the Department of Sciences of Language and Foreign Comparative Literature  of the University of Milan

From July 2013 to October 2015 she has been Member of the Academic Senate of the University of Milan

From July 2013 she is Director of the Open Access Commission for the Academic Senate

In February 2013 and in  February 2018 she has been appointed Member of the National Committee for the Scientific Qualification of University Professors for “Lingue, letterature e culture spagnola e ispanoamericane”.

From January 2018 she is Dean of the Faculty of Humanities at the Milan State University.

She edited  “Studi di letteratura ispanoamericana” and “AltreModernità” academic journals. She is currently Member of the Scientific Board of academic journals such as: RIME. Rivista dell’Istituto di Storia dell’Europa Mediterranea del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche”,  Centroamericana Catholic University of Milan), Diaspore. Quaderni di Ricerca, Cà Foscari University  (Venice), RECORTE (Universidade Vale do Río Verde, Brazil), OJS Hispanoamericana (http://digilab-epub.uniroma1/index.php/Hispanoamericana), Oltreoceano, (University of Udine), Confluencia. Revista hispanica de cultura y literatura (University of Northern Colorado), Cuarenta Naipes ( Mar del Plata  State University).

She chaired the collections “Letterature e Culture dell’America Latina” (CNR, Bulzoni) and “Di/Segni” (UNIMI, Ledizioni) and actually chairs teh collections Idee d’America Latina (Mimesis, Milan) and  

Italia&Argentina (EDUVIM, Universidad de Villa María, Argentina).

Her most relevant current research projects are: PROPOMAC (Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Italian/Peruvian Fund) aimed at recovering, analysing and recording Sipans archaeological site socio-cultural data and PRIN (National Reserach Project) 2015 La letteratura di testimonianza nel Cono Sur (1973-2015): nuovi modelli interpretativi e didattici . Both projects have national endowment for cientific research.

As far as scientific production is concerned, Emilia Perassi started tackling the origins of Fantasy Hispano-American Literature, publishing a monograph on Leopoldo Lugones; in addiction to many essays on this author she has been working on Silvina Ocampo and Jorge Luis Borges

Her interest on Fantasy Literature at the end of the Century stimulated her to study Modernist Prose, an analysis culminating with her essays on José Martì and Rubén Darìo.

Emilia Perassi tackled Colonial Literature publishing many essays on Spanish and American reporters (Hernán Cortés, Bernal Díaz del Castillo and her edition about Fernando de Alva Ixtlilxochitl) and to the New-Spanish theatre (with her monograph on Matías de Bocanegra and on historical theatre, works on Juan Ruiz de Alarcón and chronicles on North Peruvian Coast).

Her interest in investigating the identity process of Latin America has extended as far as gender studies are concerned with her collective publication on Hispano-American female writers, female initiation and on Silvina Ocampo, María Luisa Bombal, Luisa Valenzuela, María Teresa Andruetto, among others. She has also been dealing with Latin America image within Italian Culture in order to investigate its effects on national identity discourse and the related analysis of socio-cultural topics within migration flows between Italy and Argentina. Her contributions about cultural relations between Italy and Argentina are framed by such a contest of analysis (Italian XVI century chronicles, early XX century Italian diary, Carlo Emilio Gadda, Emilio Cecchi, Carlo Coccioli, Mario Luzi, Massimo Carlotto, Laura Pariani, Antonello Gerbi, among others).

From many years, she is studying literature of testimony in Latin America, with various contributions and editions. In this field, she chairs the centre for research MIRALab (MEMORIE, IMMAGINARI, RAPPRESENTAZIONI) at the University of Milan and she coordinates the cientific network LIDE (Literatura y Derechos Humanos) which gathers nineteen universities from Latin America, Unites States, Europe.