
Gabriela Merlinsky

María Gabriela Merlinsky
Doctor (Ph.D) of Geography (speciality: geopolitics). Doctoral school in social sciences, University of Paris 8.
Doctor (Ph.D) of Social Sciences. Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Buenos Aires. 2009
Master’s Degree in social studies of work. CEA (Centro de Estudios Avanzados [Center for Higher Studies]). University of Buenos Aires. 2001
Teaching Degree of Higher education in sociology. Social Science Faculty. UBA. 1991.
Bachelors Degree in Sociology. Social Science Faculty. Universidad de Buenos Aires. 1990.
Independent Researcher at the National Council for Scientific Investigations and Technology (CONICET), at the Research Institute “Gino Germani”, Urban Studies Unit, Social Science Faculty. University of Buenos Aires (UBA).
Coordinator of the Group of Environmental Studies. The Research Institute “Gino Germani”, Urban Studies unit, Social Science Faculty. UBA.
Full Assistant Professor of Methodology I, Department of Social Work. Social Science Faculty. UBA.
Board member of the Scientific Committee of the Interdisciplinary Program of Climate Change, UBA.
Board Member of the Academic Committee at the Instituto de Investigaciones “Gino Germani”. For the Research Faculty. UBA, 2017-