The INCASI network publishes a series of Working Papers related to topics of our main lines of research, a substantive, theoretical, methodological or technical nature.

The INCASI Working Paper Series (IWPS) aims to collect and disseminate the work done by members of the network in the context of our research project. The different contributions are partial works that help in the construction of the theoretical and methodological framework of the so-called AMOSIT Model: Analytical Model on Social Inequalities and Trajectories.

This series is published electronically in our web site and the Depósito Digital de Documentos (DDD) of the UAB. IWPS are texts that correspond to specific contributions or previous versions of a publication in the form of an academic article, book chapters or review. The documents published on this site may be specific to the series, be in progress or in the process of submission at other sites.

The content of papers is the responsibility of individual authors, papers are offered on this site by the author, in the interests of our project. The working documents are peer reviewed with evaluators of the Academic Committee of the INCASI network, composed of the principal researchers of each university: Pedro López-Roldán, Rafael Merino, Sandra Fachelli, Màrius Domínguez, Ildefonso Marqués, Laura Oso, José Saturnino Martínez, Leandro Sepúlveda, Eriikka Oinonen, Renata Semenza, Vincenzo Fortunato, Julie Jarty, Eduardo Chávez Molina, Agustín Salvia; Leticia Muñiz Terra, Patricia Scarponetti, Marcelo Boado, Gabriela Rubilar Donoso, Paulina Benítez, Emmanuelle Barozet, Graziela Perosa and Patricio Solís.

License of the IWPS

INCASI Working Paper Series is an online publication under Creative Commons license. Any person is free to copy, distribute or publicly communicate the work, according to the following conditions:Attribution,NonCommercial, and NoDerivatives. There are no additional restrictions. You cannot apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict doing what the license allows.

Papers must be submitted through the INCASI coordination ( following this template in MS-Word.

Published numbers:

  1. López-Roldán, P.; Fachelli, S. (2017). Social Inequalities in Europe and Latin America. An Analysis Model Based on Life, Occupational and Educational Trajectories ResearchINCASI Working Paper Series, No. 1.
  2. Vacchiano, M.; Merino, J. (2018). Introducción a la lógica multinivel: un análisis longitudinal con SPSS y R. INCASI Working Paper Series, No. 2.
  3. Ballesteros, M. (2018). Promedio de los efectos marginales e interacciones en las regresiones logísticas binarias. INCASI Working Paper Series, No. 3.
  4. Yepes, L. (2018). La operativización del concepto de trayectoria con TraMineR. Una introducción al análisis de secuencias y al Optimal Matching. INCASI Working Paper Series, No. 4.
  5. Poy, S.; Sepúlveda, L. (2018). Inequality and Poverty Reduction and the Limits of Social Protection Systems: The Case of Argentina during the Stage of Economic Expansion 2003-2014. INCASI Working Paper Series, No. 5.
  6. Donza, E. (2019). Imputaciones de la no respuesta en las variables de ingreso. Encuesta Permanente de Hogares del Gran Buenos Aires, 1990-2010INCASI Working Paper Series, No. 6.
  7. Fachelli, S.; López-Roldán, P. (2019). Vecino más cercano en el espacio social: un método de imputación factorial. INCASI Working Paper Series, No. 7.
  8. Fernández Melián, M. C.; Rodriguez de la Fuente, J. J. (2019). Aproximaciones a la imputación de ingresos desde los estudios de análisis de clase. Una propuesta a partir del uso de técnicas de análisis factorial. INCASI Working Paper Series, No. 8.
  9. Estany, A. (2019). Innovación y conceptos integradores en la práctica científicaINCASI Working Paper Series, No. 9.
  10. Scarponetti, P. (2020). Políticas sociales en el siglo XXI. Notas analíticas para observaciones comparativas entre Uruguay, Chile y ArgentinaINCASI Working Paper Series, No. 10.