
Agustina Coloma

María Agustina Coloma has a degree in Sociology, PhD student in Social Sciences from the National University of La Plata. Doctoral Fellow of the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET), for the Executing Unit Project: “Social heterogeneity, sociopolitical conflicts and public policies in Gran La Plata (2015-2019)”. She accomplished a semester as an exchange student in Inter American Studies at Bielefeld University granted by DAAD. She has collaborated with the Chair of Epistemology and Methodology of the Social Sciences and carried out teaching tasks in Secondary School. She coordinated the Master’s Degree in Social Research Methodology at the National University of Tres de Febrero. She has participated in numerous research projects on topics of work trajectories, biographical perspective, reflexivity. Currently part of the research project “Pathways and heterogeneous work careers of young generations in the Gran La Plata, an analysis of occupational itineraries in the formal and informal sector of the job market in the period of Post-Convertibility”, under the direction of Dr. Leticia Muñiz Terra. Her main themes of interest are youth studies, trajectories of artists and artistic circuits, and methodology.