
Alessandra Corrado

Alessandra Corrado is Assistant Professor of Rural Sociology, and Development and Migrations at the University of Calabria (Italy). She coordinates the MA in Sciences for Development and Cooperation. She is co-editor of the book series Sviluppo e Territori / Development and Territories (Rosenberg & Sellier, Turin), member of the international editorial committee of the book series Agrarian Change and Peasant Studies and of the editorial board of the journal Sociologia Urbana e Rurale / Urban and Rural Sociology. She is member of the Boarding Committee of the PhD Program in “Politics, Culture, Development” and founding member of the Study Center for Rural Development – Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Calabria. She carried out research stages in Spain, France, Italy, Uk, Mali and Ecuador. She has published a number of peer-reviewed papers and co-edited the volume Migration and Agriculture. Mobility and change in the Mediterranean area (Routledge, 2016). Her research interests include: food security/food sovereignty, rural development, peasant and family farming, agrarian question, international migrations, migration-development nexus, labour in agriculture, management of natural resources, and agri-food systems.