
Ana Pilar Pi Puig

Degree in Sociology. Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences. National University of La Plata. (August 2011).

PhD grantee at the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (2017-2019). PhD student in Social Sciences. Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences. National University of La Plata. Master student in Methodology of Social Research. National University of  Tres de Febrero. Graduated trainee at the degree course “Social reproduction, poverty and social exclusion” (Department of Sociology). Member of the Extension Project “Education and promotion of rights in barrios La Unión y El Mercadito”. National University of La Plata. Head of the Extension Project: “Integrated and inclusive management of waste: implementation at the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences de residuos”. National University of La Plata.

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Environment: environmental studies in social sciences, particularly in sociology. Theoretical discussionsand methodological approaches. Poverty and social inequalities: living conditions in poverty and dimensions of social inequalities. Methodology of social research: qualitative and quantitative approaches, and mixed methods. Reflexivity.