
Claudia Carrillo Sánchez

PhD student (3rd year) the Doctoral Program in Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences FACSO, University of Chile and Master in Education mention in Curriculum and Educational Community, in FACSO of the University of Chile.

At present she has a scholarship from the National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research, CONICYT and is being sponsored by the Center for the Study of Conflict and Social Cohesion, COES.

His lines of research concern to: migration; Sociology of the body and the emotions; racism; include/exclude socio-educational; inequalities; initial formation and teaching work; diffusion curricular and didactic.

She has developed its investigation trajectory in the project of exchange of the program of scientific cooperation ECOS-CONICYT “spatial Mobilities and transformations in the old urban peripheries of the metropolis in Latin America: Santiago, Bogota and Buenos Aires” (2016), between the Faculty of architecture and urbanism, University of Chile and Laboratorie Migrinter, Université de Poitiers, France; in the Nucleus of Investigation Sociology of the Body and the Emotions, research responsible to cargo of the line bodies migrant (2014-2015) and research in the line REM: racism, foreignness and migrations (2011-2013) in the Department of Sociology of the FACSO of the University of Chile; in the project’s research Fondecyt Regular “immigrants”Blacks”in Chile. Daily practices of racialization /sexualization”, financed by CONICYT, research and thesis PhD (2013-2015). Also she participated as a researcher in the network Latin American of studies on work teaching (2012-2013) and research assistant at the “project dropout School University” of the Department of Educational psycho-pedagogy of the Surcolombiana University, USCO, Colombia (2005-2007).