
Eduardo Lépore

Political scientist.Doctor in Sociology from the Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina.Magister in Design and Management of Social Programmes (FLACSO) and Expert in Design and Management of Social Policies (FLACSO). Professor in the Department of Political Sciences and International Relations, and a researcher in the Research Institute from the School of Social Sciences from the Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. He is part of the Interdisciplinary Programme on Human Development and Social Inclusion (UCA). Previously, he was a researcher in the Observatorio de la Deuda Social Argentina, working on subjects like employment and living conditions. Nowadays, he works in the National Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security as the director of Design, Evaluation and Monitoring of Social Protection Policies. He has several published studies in labour market, living conditions, poverty, social and labour policies. Currently, he is Vice-chairperson of the Technical Commission on Employment Policies and Unemployment Insurance at the International Social Security Association.