
Gabriel Errandonea


 Candidate for Doctorate in Sociology (UdelaR), Master’s Degree in Sociology (UdelaR), Academic expert in Educational Indicators and Statistics (UNED), Diploma in Applied Social Investigation (UdelaR) and Sociology Degree (UdelaR).

Actividad académica

 4th Grade Professor (undergraduate and postgraduate teaching at UdelaR).
 Member of the CSE’s College Education Magister Academic Comittee in the Social and Artistics Section, and the CFE of the ANEP
 Founder and responsible for the Educational Information Systems Unit (USIEn) at the Sectorial Education Committee (CSE) of the UdelaR.
 Technical Coordinator for the Work, Information and Strategic Planification Group at Principalship of UdelaR.
 Adviser of the Group of Coordination of the Integrated Information System’s process of development of UdelaR
 Part of the Experts on Higher Education Indicators and member of the Ibero-American Network of Higher Education Indicators, of the Ibero-American Observatory on Science (CTS), Technology and Society, coordinated by the OEI and the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC/UNESCO)
 In charge of Mutiple Linear Regression Cathedra at the Sociology Mastery of Social Sciences University, and in charge of Investigation Methodology at Specialization and Mastery in Academic Teaching of UdelaR.
 Thesis Advisor for Master Degree and minor theses. Member of advisory comittees and selection boards of academic contests. Part of academic comittees and co-organizerof national and international academic seminars and conferences

Últimas publicaciones

 ‘Intercambios’ magazine. Dilemmas and transitions of higher Education, CSE UdelaRand CFE-ANEP. ISSN: 2301-0126
o Errandonea G. (2018) CIO or singular trajectories: the challenge of flexible designs. Vol. 5. Nº 1 (42-51)
o Errandonea G. (2017). UdelaR’s information systems. A path with a one-way ticket. Vol 4, Nº 1 (20-29)
 Work documents. (USIEn, CSE, UdelaR)
o Errandonea G., Orós C. y Pereira L. (2018) Data for the evualuation and supervision of elective Initial Cycles, from 2010 to 2015.
o Errandonea G., Pereira L., Orós C., Yozzi M., and Lasarga E. (2018). Processing Protocol. The Use of Administrative Data for the Creation of Instruction Indicators of the UdelaR.
o Errandonea G., Rey R. y Orós C. (2017). 1999, 2007 and 2012 University Students Census. Educational profile, coverage and ascendancy.
o Errandonea G., Rey R., Orós C. y Yozzi M. (2017) Elective Initial Cycles. Brief outline of the student body and its achievements from 2010 to 2016.