
Jorge Rojas

Master Artium in Sociology / Political Science, Dr. Phil. Sociology, University of Hannover, Germany. Researcher at the Institute of Sociology at Hannover University (1983-1993). Associate Professor Department of Sociology and the Doctoral Program in Environmental Sciences, Universidad de Concepción. Specialties: social theory, work sociology, sustainable development, environmental epistemology, globalization and regional development processes, education, institutions and citizen participation, deisguality and poverty, environment and global climate change. Director of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology (2004-2007). Dean for two periods of the Faculty of Social Sciences (2008-2013) and Vice-Rector for Institutional Relations with the Environment (2015-2018), Universidad de Concepción. Researcher at the Center for Water Resources for Agriculture and Mining (CRHIAM). Member of the Network and researcher of the project “Transnational change, social inequality, intercultural exchange and aesthetic manifestations: the example of Patagonia”, University of Jena and DAAD, Germany. Principal investigator of the CLACSO Working Group “Critical thinking and emancipatory practices”. Author of more than 120 publications, including articles, chapters and books.