
José Manuel Morán Faúndes

PhD in Latin American Social Studies and MA in Sociology, National University of Cordoba. Political Scientist, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Assistant Researcher of the National Scientific Research Council (CONICET-Argentina), Profesor of Sociology of Law and Researcher of the Program of Sexual and Reproductive Rights (http://programaddssrr.wordpress.com), Faculty of Law, National University of Cordoba. I was a researcher of the Gender Equity Program and Governance Program at FLACSO-Chile, and fellow of CLACSO, CONICET, the Iberoamerican Network for Lay Freedom, among others. I am co-editor of “Sexualities, Inequalities and Rights: Reflections on Sexual and Reproductive Rights” (Córdoba, Ed. Ciencia Derecho y Sociedad), “Sex, Crimes and Sins: Intersections between religion, sexuality and law in Latin America” (Washington, American University) and “Laicidad and Religious Diversity in Latin America” (Cham, Springer).