
Leslie Fonquerne

I am a PhD student in sociology at the SAGESSE gender research group at CERTOP-CNRS (Research centre on Work, Organizations and Policies – UMR 5044) at the University Toulouse Jean Jaurès, since 2015.

My thesis is co-supervised by Stéphanie Mulot and Julie Jarty (University Toulouse Jean Jaurès) and deals with economic, social, politic and gender issues of contraceptive pill and its use and prescription in the so-called French “pill crisis” context.

I conduct a qualitative research to understand tensions between neoliberal discourses on women’s economic and sexual autonomy, social standards in relation with modes of contraception, medical and contraceptive practices.

During 3 years, I received a doctoral grants from the LabEx SMS (laboratory of excellence, structuring of social worlds) (CDU), and I now teach sociology (methodology and gender sociology) to first year students at the University Toulouse Jean Jaurès.

I am a member of different interdisciplinary groups: “Arpège-EFiGiES-Toulouse” which organizes yearly workshops and conferences on gender issues, and the Contraception&Gender Junior Lab’ (Cité du Genre de l’Université Sorbonne Paris Cité (HALL – USPC)), a group of young researchers facilitating the diffusion of their gender-based studies. This group organizes quarterly research seminar on current French researches on contraception and has organized an international conference on 2017.