
Lídia Yepes

Lídia Yepes Cayuela es is Graduated with honors in Sociology specialized in Social and Labour Policies by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2013). She held a Master in “Social Policy, Work and Welfare” specialized in Gender and Work (2014) with the Master dissertation: ‘Social Networks as Strategy for Job Seeking’. She has collaborated with the Childhood Institute and Urban World (CIIMU) and the Catalan Observatory of Youth. Currently, she is developing her PhD with the FPU grant focus on the analysis of labour trajectories of young people in Catalonia in the Sociological Researcher Center on everyday life and work. As part of her formation, she realized a short-term stay at the University of Geneva with the research group who developed the statistic package TraMineR. Her main research interests are related with Sociology of Work, Youth and Social Networks. In a methodological level she is concerned about the mixed methods (quantitative and qualitative) and longitudinal analysis.

Contact: lidia.yepes@uab.cat