
Manuel Alejandro Giovine

Scholarship holder for Ph.D studies, National Council for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICET).  PhD student in the Doctorate in Social Studies of Latin America, with a mention in Sociology, Center for Advanced Studies (CEA) National University of Córdoba (UNC), project “Educational practices and strategies of social reproduction in Córdoba: The formation of the dominant sectors.” directed by Dr. Alicia B. Gutiérrez & Dr. Cecilia I. Jiménez Zunino. Student of the Specialization in Production and Analysis of Information for Public Policies, CEA-UNC, thesis under evaluation “Objective conditioning and educational practices in Gran Córdoba (2003/2011)”, directed by Dr. Héctor O. Mansilla & Dr. Julieta Capdevielle. Bachelor in Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities (FFyH-UNC), thesis “Power in non-action: non-action as a way of exercising the power” directed by Dr. Alicia B. Gutiérrez & Dr. Juan Manuel Barri.

Assistant Professor of “Analysis of communication II-B”, Faculty of Communication Sciences (FCC), (UNC). Collaborator Professor in the seminar “Tools for the construction of a research project in Social Sciences” FFyH-UNC. Appointment to the chair of Sociology of the FFyH-UNC.

Member of the projects PIP-CONICET and PICT-FONCyT “Social reproduction in the Greater Córdoba: Family strategies and recent dynamics”, directed by Dr. Alicia B. Gutiérrez & Dr. Héctor O. Mansilla, Institute of Humanities (IDH-CONICET). Member of the Research Program (A) “Social reproduction in the Greater Córdoba: recent dynamics”, Research Center of the FFyH-UNC directed by Dr. Alicia B. Gutiérrez. Member of the research project “Educational strategies and consumption of ICT in families of Gran Córdoba, 2003-2015.” Research Center of the FFyH-UNC, directed by Dr. Héctor O. Mansilla & Dr. Cecilia I. Jiménez.