
María Carolina Aguilar Matus

Maria Carolina Aguilar Matus is Social Assistant, Bachelor of Social Work at the Catholic University of Maule, with 13 years of experience in public service, with insertion in the area of criminal justice and social conflict mediation. Specializing in family mediation at the University of Chile (2005) and entered in the official register of mediators from the Ministry of Justice (since 2004), Diploma in Prison Studies at the University of the Republic (2008), Diploma in Addictions of University of Santiago (2008), current graduate Program Master in Social Work at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile and beneficiary Conicyt Scholarship for Public Officials (2013). She has made assistantships in Macroeconomics (2009 and 2010) and Social Planning and Organizational Development II (2010). His current research interest focuses on immigrants in conflict with the law.

Contact: mcaguilar@uc.cl