
María Cascales Mira

I have been an Interim University Professor since 2010. I was previously working in several research centers such as Forja XXI Foundation or the Andalusian Studies Center, where I was trained for two years in the area of ​​sociology and it allowed me to acquire a wide experience in statistical analysis, elaboration of questionnaire and monitoring of all its phases (exploratory, pretest, training of researchers, subsequent analysis and report of results).

Currently I combine my teaching and research work at the University with research projects of the Institute of Statistics and Cartography of Andalusia, specifically in a project of social mobility. I develop my teaching and research work in the Department of Sociology of the University of Seville. I have given classes in Labor Sciences and Education Sciences, my specialty in teaching is sociology of work, sociology of education and methods and techniques of social research. My current lines of research are quality of life at work, construction of synthetic indices through factorial models and structural equations. This work is located within the broader framework of the Research Group on Quality Studies of European Societies (ECALSE), in which I participate in a project of social indicators that measure the quality of European societies through various dimensions, in my case the dimension of quality of work through the construction of an Index of Quality of Work and the elaboration of a chapter of the book that is pending of publication.

On the other hand I have also done research in the field of the sociology of emotions and satisfaction with life, the result of which has been participation in the X Spanish Congress of Sociology (10). Nº 10 2010 with the presentation Subjective well-being and quality of life in Spain. Approach to a study of well-being from the sociology of emotions and at the 11th Spanish Congress of Sociology 2013, with the presentation of Labor Satisfaction in Spain. I have also investigated to a lesser extent, the structure of classes, the result of which is an article (pending publication) about the comparison of the class structure between Europe and Latin America, called Social Classes and structural Heterogeneity. A comparative analysis of Latin America and Europe, together with two other researchers (Chaves Molina and Marqués Perales). And finally, participation in the social mobility research project carried out by the Institute of Statistics and Cartography of Andalusia, in which I participated as coordinator.