
María Eugenia Monte

Lawyer, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences (FDCS) of the National University of Cordoba (UNC). Degree in Human Development focused on Gender and Human Rights (FDCS, UNC), final work “Del universo de “lo político” a lo plural de “l*s polític*s”: distintos aportes teóricos en torno a la noción de ciudadanía sexual”. Master of Arts in the Sociology of Law. International Institute for the Sociology of Law (IISL), University of the Basque Country and University of Milan, thesis “Abortion liberalization demand in Argentina: legal discourses as site of power struggle. A case study on the structural case Portal de Belen vs. Cordoba (2012- 2013)”. Completing a Ph.D. degree of Law and Social Sciences (FDCS, UNC). Completing a Master degree of Sociology, Advanced Education Center (CEA) of the UNC. Argentine National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) fellow for the period 2012-2017. Appointment to the chair in Sociology of Law (FDCS, UNC), and in Sexual and Reproductive Rights (FDCS, UNC). Member of the Sexual and Reproductive Rights program (FDCS, UNC) and the Law and Critique group (FDCS, UNC).

mail: grubilad@uc.cl