
María Eugenia Rausky

She is Resercher of Interdisciplinary  Center for Methodology of Social  Sciences/ Institute for Research in Humanities and Social Sciences. Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences (FaHCE) National University of La Plata (UNLP). Her current position are: Assistant Researcher at the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research; Professor of the Sociology Department. FaHCE / UNLP. Subjet: Contemporary Social Theory “A” and Professor in PhD in Social Sciences. FaHCE / UNLP. Subject: Methods and Techniques of Social Research. She is PhD in Social Sciences of University of Buenos Aires (August 2010). Magister in Social Research Methodology. University of “Tres de Febrero” and University of Bologna (November 2007). Degree in Sociology. Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences. National University of La Plata. (February 2003). Her research interests are: Childhood, Poverty and Social Inequalities: Childhood Studies, Child labour and Street children. And Research Methods: Qualitative Research – history of methods, methodological approaches with children- and Mixed Methods.

Mail: eugeniarausky@gmail.com