
Mathieu Rossignol

I am a PhD student in sociology at the CERTOP-CNRS laboratory (Center for Research in Labor, Organizations and Policies – UMR 5044) of the University of Toulouse Jean Jaurès (France).

After obtaining a master’s degree in sociology (Sociology and Statistics) in 2016 in Paris (EHESS / ENS), I started working for a year at the Statistical Service of the Paris Academy as head of studies on higher education, because I started my Thesis work in October 2017. That thesis is co-supervised by Philippe Lemistre and Marianne Blanchard (CERTOP) who also work on inequalities in the higher education system.

During the last year of the master, I worked on the orientation of the students in preparatory classes of literature. Now, my thesis deals with the transition between secondary school and higher education in the fields of literature, languages ​​and humanities, and more particularly the construction of orientation aspirations over a long period in the early years. of studies at the University (degree).

I also teach in the Master Sociology and Statistics and participate in a national working group on the system of higher education and professional insertion (GTES).