
Nathalie Lapeyre

Nathalie Lapeyre is senior lecturer in sociology (HDR) at the University of Toulouse Jean Jaurès (France), department of sociology. Head of the research team SAGESSE (Knowledge and Gender) of CERTOP-CNRS laboratory (Research centre on Work, Organizations and Policies – UMR 5044) for eight years, she is involved in the movement of institutionalization of gender studies (Steering Committee for Gender Institute of the National research Center (CNRS) ; Co-head of Master GEPS – Gender Equality and Social Policies – and European Master EGALES).

She is also registered in the international scientific networks (Member of the International Multidisciplinary Research Network “MAGE” direction team : Labour MArket and Gender), and had participated in five international research programs in comparative perspective (France/Finland on the experiences of women in politics and trade unions, France/Germany for women physicians carerrs, France/Sweden, on receipt of gender equality policies, France/Spain, about the place of women within the boards of listed companies, etc.). Linking the contributions of the sociology of gender, of labor, organisations and professional groups, her work focuses on women’s labor analysis (and men) at the crossroads of multiple process of sexual segregation in professional groups, the making of gender inequalities, public policies of gender equality and the issues of the professionalization of gender equality occupations, in France and at the European level. This topics was most recently connected to the analysis of the institutionalization of gender studies processes in the contemporary period.