
Obdulia Taboadela Álvarez

PhD in Sociology, University Complutense of Madrid. The dissertation was about Contemporary Trade Unionism in Spain. She has an academic specialization in the globalization process, and the social transformations related to it. Indeed, she is an observer of the evaluation and transformation of the global labor market, with emphasis on female’s labor markets and international migrations. Postgraduate in Corporate Social responsibility and Expert in Social Responsibility and Social Innovation.

Since 1993 she has been a senior lecturer in Sociology at the Universidad de A Coruña. She has been a guest lecturer and visiting scholar in various international research centers: Center for European Studies of Harvard University (USA), Sociology Department of University of California in San Diego (UCSD, USA), University of Stratchclyde (Glasgow, UK), Kellogg Institute, University of Notre Dame ( In, USA), Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO) in the campus of La Habana (Cuba) and Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic), Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (Buenos Aires) and Universidad del Paraná (Curitiba, Brazil).

She has published various articles in Spanish and foreign journals on various topics related to her fields of specialization, namely trade unionism, the labor markets, International migrations and social aspects of globalization. She has also taken part in more than twenty public and private financed research projects covering sociological aspects of Spanish and European Society.