
Raul Jorrat

Ph. D. (Sociology, MSU). Senior Researcher (CONICET), was professor at Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, and Director of the Centro de Estudios de Opinión Pública at Instituto Gino Germani (UBA). Is member for Argentina of the International Social Survey Program. His research interests lie in social stratification and mobility, electoral studies, and survey research.

Among his books, he published Exploraciones sobre estructura social de la Argentina (1992; edited with Ruth Sautu), Estratificación social y movilidad. Un estudio del área metropolitana de Buenos Aires (2000), and Escalas de prestigio y de status socioeconómico de las ocupaciones (2004, with Luis R. Acosta). Also, he is co-author (with Darío Canton) of a historical-electoral trilogy on Elecciones en la ciudad (2001, 2005 and 2008). His more recent book is “De tal padre … ¿tal hijo?” Estudios sobre Movilidad Social en Argentina (2016). He has also published several articules in academic journals.