
Simone Sarti

I obtained my Ph.D. in ‘Applied Sociology and Methodology of the Social Research’ in 2006 and I’m currently Assistant Professor (ricercatore confermato t.i. and professore aggregato) at the Department of Social and Political Science of the University of Milan (via Conservatorio, 7, 20122, Milan, Italy). Over the past years I collaborated with various Universities and Social Research Institutes.

From 2011 I teach ‘Methodology for Social Research’ and ‘Applied Social Research’ at the University of Milan and ‘Social Inequalities’ at the NASP/Graduate School in Social Economic and Political Sciences. I focused my main research interests on social inequalities and social stratification, looking at social inequalities in health through international comparative analysis. My interests also involve the social change and the sociocultural evolution of human societies. In my works I adopt quantitative methods to analyse the relations between social conditions and individual characteristics. I published in Italian and international peer reviewed scientific journals: European Sociological Review, Social Science Research, International Journal of Health Services, European Societies, Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, Sociological Research Online, Stato e Mercato, Polis, Sociologica, RIS, QdS.