
Solange Rodríguez Espínola

She has PhD in Psychology (1999) and is a Doctor in Psychology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina (2009). She was a Doctoral and Post-Doctoral CONICET Scholar between 2005 and 2010. Since 2010, she has been a researcher in the Observatorio de la Deuda Social Argentina. She is a Post-graduate teacher in the Doctorate in Psychology and Psychopedagogy from the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina; a guest professor in the Master in Research Methodology in Social Sciences and in the Human Development seminar in the University of Tres de Febrero and the Università di Bologna; a guest professor in the Master in Psychodiagnosis and Psychological Evaluation from the Psychology School in the University of Buenos Aires; Professor of Research Methodology I and II as well as an associate professor of Adolescence in the PhD in Psychology from the Psychology and Psychopedagogy School in the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina, and she’s main professor of Social Psychology from the PhD in Psychology from the School of Biomedical Sciences in the Austral University. She is a director and member of the jury of graduate, master and doctorate thesis.