
Zenaida María Garay Reyna

Post-doctorate of the Multidisciplinary Continuing Education Program for Doctors in Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts, CEA-UNC, 2010. Doctor in Political Science, CEA-UNC, 03/24/09. BA in Political Science, UCC, 1997. CURRENT professional situation:: Assistant Professor, by competition, in the area of ​​History and Politics, by CEA-UNC. Assistant Professor (attached charge) in Introduction to Political Science, and in Fundamentals of Political Science, of the common cycle. Degree in Political Science and Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences. UNC. Argentina. Academic Coordinator Doctorate in Political Science, Center for Advanced Studies, UNC, since 2013. Stable professor of the Propaedeutic Course of the Doctorate in Political Science, from 2014 to date. Counselor of the Honorable Advisory Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences, from November 2016 to date. Researcher category III National Program of Teacher Incentives. Addresses of various research teams at Secyt-UNC, participation in PICT 2414 teams and PIP Multiannual Research Project (PIP) -Conicet. Member of two National Projects of the Ministry of Education and UNVM on political impact assessments Universal Assignment by Son Córdoba and San Juan; Director of the Research Program “Critical Space in Latin American Political-Social Thought” of the Latin American Studies Area, from April 2013 to date, CEA-UNC. Coordinator of the Working Group “Critical spatiality in Latin American political and social thought: New grammars of power, territorialities in tension”, CLACSO, 2013-2016. Areas of interest: political culture, citizenship and participation; institutions of direct / participatory democracy, evaluation of public policies (security, education, conditional transfers, urban socio-segregation), Latin American political-social thought.