In order to achieve these objectives, the project is organized into four sequential Work Packages throughout the period January 2016 to December 2019:
In addition, a fifth work package is planned regarding the organization and coordination of the INCASI network activities.
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In the first phase of the project the main objective is to review the existing accumulated scientific capital among the members of the network. It is a matter of compiling exhaustively the scientific production of the investigations carried out on social inequalities according to the model of analysis of the project that we have called AMOSIT: Analytical model of social inequalities and trajectories. In addition, we will proceed to a systematic collection of data sources from Europe and Latin America.
Based on the contribution of the different groups of the INCASI network, it is a matter of consensus and definition of a common research perspective according to the proposal of the AMOSIT model of analysis. It seeks to establish the main theoretical and conceptual aspects on which to articulate research in the network. This phase will be complemented by the systematization and analysis of social policies in Europe and Latin America in the years that have passed since the 21st century.
Innovation stems from ongoing reflection on the analysis of social inequalities as a result of network synergies. Using the intellectual capital of the network and research that has been carried out by analyzing the theoretical and methodological aspects of social inequalities in Europe and Latin America, we seek to establish and put into operation an AMOSIT analytical model. This model emphasizes longitudinal analysis and life trajectories from a multidimensional perspective of social life and as an articulation between education, work and the life cycle that emerge from the socio-political and cultural realities of Europe and America Latina. An innovative methodology with a research design of mixed methods that articulates qualitative and quantitative techniques is proposed in a coherent way.
The final phase of the project is dedicated to planning the sustainability of the network through two specific lines of action in research and teaching and for disseminating project results. On first place, an international research program will be proposed for the progress and development of a comparative analysis of social inequalities with the aim of presenting common projects and specific domains identified among the research activities of the network. Regarding training, the project is materialized through the creation of an International Master’s Degree in Comparative Analysis of Social Inequalities. This phase also involves the dissemination of the work and the theoretical, methodological and practical contributions done by the network, including interaction with policy makers and public authorities. This will include the development of science-based diagnostics and policy recommendations for social designing policies that will contribute to reducing social inequalities.