
Paulina Benítez

EDUCATION. Social Work (1977-1981) and Commercial Engineering (1994-2000) at the Universidad de Concepción (UdeC).2006 and 2009 she coursed Social Work and Social Policy.Masters Program.  From August 2013 until present day is coursing a Social Sciences PhD program in the Faculty of Social Sciences, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), Argentina. She studies the social implications of New Technologies of Information and Communication (NTIC). JOB PROFILE. 1982-1990 Worked in a NGO about Popular Education programs in urban communities in Concepción. 1991-1993 member of the professional team dedicated to community work and gender perspective in two communes of Concepción. 2001 – 2003 worked independently supporting local entrepreneurs. In 2003 she made a teaching collaboration with the Department of Social Work, Facultad de C. Sociales, UdeC. 2005 became a part-time Assistant Professor. Since 2010 maintains a full-time job in  this department. Therefore 2005 she teaches Economics, Management, Planning and Social Development and Evaluation of Social Projects in Social Work.RESEARCH. Highlights, 2003-2008, she joined an independent research group dedicated to the collection and analysis of regional data.  2009-2012 Main researcher in Research at Social Work and Economy departments, UdeC. Assessment of the Impact of the support to the micro entreprenuership program – PAME 2008. FOSIS Región del Biobío. Proposal for some elements of its redesign. 2015 Participates, representing the Facultad de Ciencias Sociales – UdeC – in Project of Network of researches and postgraduate formation about social inequality in Latin America, leaded by Interdisciplinary Center for Methodology of Social Sciences-U. Nacional de La Plata (UNLP). Alongside Gino Germani Research Institute, Facultad de C. Sociales-UBA; Sociology- U. Nacional de Mar del Plata and the Institute of Economics,  Universidad Estadual de Campinas, São Paulo – Brazil.

Researchers in the INCASI project