
Patricia Scarponetti

Specialist in political sociology by the multidisciplinary programme of continuous training for doctors in social science. Direction of Dr. Francisco Delich. Center for advanced studies, CEA-UNC, 2004 05. Specialist in education from. Higher education education specialist. Program Universidad Blas Pascal, and Catholic University of whose. 1998 / 2000. Doctor in law and social sciences. Faculty of law and social sciences. National University of Córdoba. Title date: 29/11/93.  Doctoral thesis “community participation and local development: analysis of cases in the province of Cordoba.” Master’s degree in interdisciplinary social science. Research Center for Social integration – CIJS – programme of the Secretariat of public education of the Government of Mexico, DF. Mexico. Date of certificate: 12 /07/84. Lawyer. Faculty of law and social sciences, National University of Córdoba, Argentina. Date: 30/11/78. CURRENT professional situation: Associate Professor by competition matter Argentina and Latin American Social theory. Bachelor’s degree in sociology. National University of Villa María, UNVM, V. Maria Pcia. Cordoba. Argentina, from 2011. Associate Professor by competition matter legal sociology.  Faculty right and CS. SOCIAL – UNC, since 1996. Research Center for legal and social research – CIJS – CS and law faculty. SOCIAL-UNC, since 1989. Director master of Sociology Centre for advanced studies, CEA-UNC, from 2012. Director master of research and public safety management, UNVM from 2013. Category I program incentives teachers national researcher. Stable Professor of methodology of research and workshop of thesis in various graduate programs from 2000 to date. Career in directions of various research teams Secyt-UNC, PICT 2414 and PICTO – CIN in the area of problem of relocations of vulnerable sectors and situations of habitat and violence. In two national projects of the Ministry of education and UNVM policy Universal allocation per child impact assessments.

Researchers in the INCASI project