
Laura Oso

Laura Oso is a University Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Sociology of the Universidade da Coruña. She is the coordinator of ESOMI (Spanish initials for International Migration Sociology Research Team) since 2011.  Doctor in Sociology by the Université de Paris I-PanthéonSorbonne (2002) and by the Universidade da Coruña (1997), her research has essentially been focused on the study of gender and migration issues and, particularly, on the integration of female immigrants into the labour market (domestic service, sexual work, ethnic entrepreneurship). Other studies are also remarkable among her research lines, such as the Spanish emigration in France (female domestic workers and female caretakers, second generation) and the analysis of migrations from the perspective of intergenerational strategies and trajectories for social mobility. She equally works on the gender nexus linking gender, migration and development. She has been consultant for a variety of international organizations (OECD, European Union, UN-INSTRAW) and has been visiting professor in the United States, France and Latin America (University of California, Berkeley, Université de Paris I-PanthéonSorbonne, Université de Paris VII, Flacso Ecuador, Universidad de Buenos Aires). She coordinates the Migration, Gender and Development Network and is a member, since 2013, of the Board of Directors of the IMISCOE- International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion network. Since the year 2013 she is also a member of COST Action (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) Postpol (IS1209) “Comparing European Prostitution Policies: Understanding Scales and Cultures of Governance” (coordinated by Kingston University, UK). She has taken part of European projects (Equal Convive Mais”-European Social Fund, SERD-2002-00119-European Commission, Research Directorate General, H2020-Proposal number : 691004-2015-2019).

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Researchers in the INCASI project