
Màrius Domínguez

Associate Professor, Department of Sociology at the Universidad de Barcelona.  Research Interuniversity Group COPOLIS “Welfare, Community and Social Control”, attached to the University of Barcelona. His research interests are placed in the fields of: Social indicators; Social research techniques; Multivariate analysis; Analyse of social inequalities; Time, work, everyday life and welfare. He is currently involved or has been involved in different researches on these fields. So, he has published several books and journal publications. Coordinator of the Master in Techniques in Applied Social Research (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Universidad de Barcelona y el Col•legi oficial de Sociòlegs i Politòlegs de Catalunya). Member of several associations in the field of sociology. Actually is the Vice-president of Catalan Association of Sociology (ACS) and Vice-president of the Spanish Federation of Sociology (FES).


Researchers in the INCASI project