
Julie Jarty

Julie Jarty, associate professor in sociology. In 2010, I completed a European PhD at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain) and the University of Toulouse-Le Mirail (France) on gender inequalities in the French and Spanish teaching professions. During my PhD, I have also been involved in the QUING (Quality in Gender+ Equality Policies) FP6 Integrated Project (2006-2011) with the research team from the University of Nijmegen (Nederlands). Subsequently, I was assistant professor at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland) where I taught gender studies. As a member of the Gender Studies Center (CEG-LIEGE), I supervised a study on gender trajectories in French secondary schools and took part in the organisation of the 6th international conference on Francophone Feminist Research, in Lausanne. Since 2012, I am an associate professor in sociology at the University of Toulouse Jean Jaurès, member of the SAGESSE gender research group at CERTOP, CNRS Joint Research Unit. I am currently co-heading the Master GEPS (Gender, Equalities and Social Policies) and coordinating the European Master in equality and gender studies (EGALES). My current research focuses on the comparative analysis of the effects of social policies on gender inequalities in relation to other inequalities; on the analysis of social actions and change levers to fight gender inequalities and assignments in different workplaces and social areas (especially at school); and on the role of feminist actresses in social transformations and their action modes.

Researchers in the INCASI project