PhD. Beatriz Molinuevo

Doctor by the UAB, Psychiatry Program (2008). Master in Clinical, Legal and Forensic Psychology (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2000). Professor in the Unit of Medical Psychology at the Faculty of Medicine in the UAB from 2002. At present she is an Associate Professor in the degrees of Medicine, Nursing, Physiotherapy and Criminology; member of the academic commission of the doctorate program in Psychiatry; secretary of the Department of Psychiatry and Legal Medicine and secretary of the Unit of Basic Medical Sciences. She has participated in more than 20 publications in indexed Journals. She has supervised one PhD thesis (two more in process), two Master thesis and 19 final degree projects (Medicine / Criminology). Beatriz has participated in the adaptation / validation of several instruments of psychological evaluation (parental educational practices, psychopathy traits, communication abilities). She has led activities of educational innovation in the field of training in communication abilities for Medicine students and has published a book about the non-verbal communication in the relation doctor-patient. Her main research line focus in the study of cognitive, emotional and temperament precursors of conduct disorders and psychopathic traits in several types of children and adolescent populations (community, clinical and forensic).

School of Medicine (Medical Psychology Unit, Department of Psychiatry and Legal Medicine)
Neurosciences Institute – Room m5-135
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Cerdanyola del Vallès, 08193, Spain
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