PhD. Anastasya Ivanova

Doctor from the UAB, program in Psychiatry (2022). Doctoral thesis “Psychopathic traits in young clinical and forensic populations: assessment, and emotional and cognitive correlates” (2017-2022). AGAUR FI-DGR Fellow at the Department of Psychiatry and Legal Medicine (UAB; 2017-2021). International stay at the University of Cyprus (2021). Master in General Health Psychology (Universitat de Barcelona, 2015). Associate professor of the Medical Psychology Unit of the UAB Faculty of Medicine since 2023. Currently, she is a professor in the degrees of Medicine, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Criminology and Psychology (UAB, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, UOC). She has also been an associate professor at the University of Vic (2021-2023). She is currently directing 3 doctoral theses (UAB) and various final projects for official master’s degrees (UOC). She has participated in several projects related to conduct disorder, antinormative behavior, psychopathy traits and their correlates.

School of Medicine (Medical Psychology Unit, Department of Psychiatry and Legal Medicine)
Neurosciences Institute
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Cerdanyola del Vallès, 08193, Spain
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