The Institut Diversitat in collaboration with the Barcelona City Council and Obra Social La Caixa organize the 6th edition of the << Vincles >> project, a cycle of sessions aimed at promoting mutual understanding, dialogue, collaboration and cohesion between a group of about 25 people from the same territory. The sessions will be held on 12, 19 and 26 June and 3 and 10 July at the Avignon Space in Barcelona.

The project is an experience of coexistence in diversity that seeks to dismantle stereotypes and prejudices and promote the creation of links of people who otherwise would not come to coincide. In each of the sessions we work from a technique (theater, music, dance, painting, cooking, etc.) to offer a positive experience of collaboration among the participants. The main objective is to demonstrate that beyond differences, it is possible to coexist and even positively value diversity.

More information about the project here.

