The UNESCO Office in Rabat, the Centre for Media Education and the School of Journalism in Casablanca organized a workshop on writing screenplays sensitive to gender issues on 10 and 11 November in Casablanca, Morocco.

The activity was conducted in the framework of UNESCO in promoting gender focus in the media of the Maghreb countries.

Seventeen participants from media organizations and journalism schools attended the workshop, which was directed by Catherine Touzet, French writer known for his fiction productions TF1, France Television and Canal +.

The economic, social and political women in the Maghreb has changed considerably over the past 20 years. But the media in the Maghreb are still engaged in socially constructed inequalities and refelcteixen adequately the realities of women. This “glass ceiling” is the main obstacle to the empowerment of women and their best representation in the media. His image is still subject to stereotyping, and their views are often pushed aside. All these were issues that were discussed at the workshop.

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