She holds a PhD in Translation and Intercultural Studies by the Barcelona Autonomous University (UAB). Her doctoral research focuses on the arrival processes and routes into education of Pakistani women in Barcelona.
She has participated in several research projects related to the Pakistani community in Barcelona and also related to migration and public services. In 2016, together with Alejandra Tercero, Berta Güell, Eva Maciocco and Komal Naz, she founded the informal research group “Recerpak” specialized in the study of the Pakistani community in Barcelona.
Her research interests include gender and migration studies, communication in public services and educational experiences and pathways of minority groups.
Marina Arrasate holds a degree in Physics from the (UCM) and a Master’s Degree in Literary Creation (UPF). Between 2014 and today she has combined teaching activities in different contexts with research in the social field. Since 2018 she works as a secondary education teacher at the Consorci d’Educació de Barcelona.
Güell Torrent, B., Arrasate Hierro-Olavarría, M., i Arraràs, A. S. (2020). Visibilizando estrategias de agencia y empoderamiento económico: el caso de las mujeres de origen pakistaní en Barcelona. Migraciones. Publicación del Instituto Universitario de Estudios sobre Migraciones, (48), 51-78.
Arrasate Hierro-Olavarría, M. (2018). Procesos de llegada y experiencias educativas de mujeres de origen pakistaní en Barcelona. Tesis doctoral. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
Arrasate Hierro-Olavarría, M. (2017). Comunicación y acceso a los servicios públicos: estudio de la perspectiva de las mujeres pakistaníes de Barcelona. Lengua y Migración, 9(1), 39-62.