David Viedma

Position: PhD student

Office: C3/-140

E-Mail: david.viedma(at)uab.cat

I obtained my bachelor’s degree in physics at Universitat de Barcelona (UB) in 2018, with a bachelor’s thesis focused on the properties of PT-symmetric systems. In 2019, I obtained my master’s degree in Quantum Science and Technology at the Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU). That time, I focused my master’s thesis on the self-similar free expansion of Bose-Einstein condensates in different geometries. 

In 2020, I started my PhD studies at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) under Prof. Verònica Ahufinger and Dr. Jordi Mompart. We focus on designing photonic devices with optical waveguides by exploiting techniques stemming from quantum physics such as adiabatic passage and supersymmetry. We also use waveguide lattices to explore and exploit the topology of interesting systems and their topologically protected edge states, as well as explore the viability of these lattices as quantum simulators with simpler fabrication compared to other systems.