Our research group is engaged in various outreach initiatives that aim to promote the awareness and understanding of photonics and physics among the public. We organize workshops, demonstrations, lectures and exhibitions to showcase the applications and benefits of these fields in science, technology and society. We also collaborate with schools, high schools, universities, museums and other organizations.

Outreach Activities

Campus Ítaca is a social and educational programme of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, sponsored by Banco Santander, and aimed at secondary-school pupils.

11F is intended to make visible the work of women who are dedicated to STEM areas (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), thus creating female references for children who can contribute to the choice of these areas as professional careers. 

The objective of Family Day is to offer students the chance to visit the campus and faculties and teaching centres.  Future students are able to spend the morning visiting the faculty that interests them most, as well as the UAB campus and the Vila Universitària residence halls. 

Physics Saturdays are a series of meetings to get to know the world of physics aimed at high school students. The physics department schedules a series of conferences each year related to the present and future of physics. The meeting is complemented with activities, presentation of the degrees in which the department participates and a visit to the laboratories.

Espai Ciència is an initiative to make the public, and especially kids and teenagers, aware of the research and innovation that is carried out at the universities, research centers, companies, professional organizations, etc. in Catalonia. 

The European Night of Researchers is a public event dedicated to the dissemination of science. Its aim is to bring research, innovation, and its protagonists closer to the public of all ages in a straightforward and enjoyable way. This event is celebrated annually in more than 300 cities across 30 European countries simultaneously.

Prof. María J. Yzuel is the president of the Spanish Committee for the International Day of Light.

Photograph of the attendants to the first meeting of the Spanish Committee for celebrating the International Year of Light. From left to right. Luis Roso (CLPU), Lluís Torner (ICFO), Mariona Pedrós and Vaclovas Radvilas (SECPhO), Maria Josefa Yzuel (UAB and RACAB), José Ignacio Fernández Vera (FECYT), Caterina Biscari (ALBA), Joan R. Sarroca (CEISP), Santiago Vallmitjana (UB and SEDOPTICA), Joaquín Campos (IO- CSIC), Mª Luisa Calvo (UCM and RSEF) and Gastón García (ALBA). Photography from SPANISH COMMITTEE FOR THE INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF LIGHT 2015 — en (cells.es)

The Physics course of the Mad for Science programme of the Catalunya La Pedrera Foundation is a course aimed at 1st year A-Level students with a special interest and talent in physics. The basic purpose of this course is to foster the scientific vocation of these young people and especially their enthusiasm for physics. 

Promotion of scientific and technological vocations among Catalan students, with the aim of bringing science to high schools. 

SummerLight is a scientific-artistic project that aims to connect the science of light and contemporary art through a one-week workshop for high school students. The workshop explores the physical properties of light, such as reflection, refraction, diffraction and polarization, and how they can be used to create artistic expressions.

YoMoBCN is a live event experience designed to inspire young people and help them learn more about and pursue careers in science and technology. 

Outreach Conferences

The 2021 BIST Conference focused on a key BIST research initiative: quantum technologies. Leading experts in the field presented and discussed the status of quantum technologies in Catalonia, Europe, and the World, their applications in industry, and their influence in creative fields.

ICAP2018 hosted a round table with five Nobel laureates who talked about the main achievements in atomic physics, the current trends and the ones expected for the near future.