Dr. Axel pérez-Obiol was trained as a nuclear physicist at Universitat de Barcelona with a PhD in effective field theories for weak nuclear interactions (2014) under the supervision of Assumpta Parreño and Bruno Juliá. He then spent almost seven years abroad as a postdoc researching in condensed matter and mathematical physics, first in the Nuclear Physics Institute in Prague (2014-2017) and then in Kochi University of Technology (2017-2020) in Japan. From 2021 to 2024 Axel worked at the Barcelona supercomputing Center devising and testing quantum algorithms for condensed matter physics. Since February 2024 Axel enjoys a Lecturer position at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. His current research at UAB focuses on ultracold gases, in particular atomtronics, and on simulating condensed matter systems and atomic nuclei with digital quantum computers.