The Optics Group is a team of researchers who specialize in the study of light and its applications.Our group has been invited to share our findings and insights in various journals, radio shows, podcasts, and webinars. The group hopes to inspire more people to pursue careers in optics and to foster collaboration with other scientists and engineers.
Verònica Ahufinger contributed to the 6th edition of the Vocacions científiques | Premis Equit@t 2024, Spain (February 2024).
Interview with María Josefa Yzuel | El Heraldo de Aragón, Spain (December 2023).
Interview with María Josefa Yzuel |, Spain (May 2023).
Interview with María Josefa Yzuel |, Spain (January 2023).
Interview with María Josefa Yzuel | Diálogo 43 | DIÁLOGOS DESDE LA FORTALEZA, Spain (January 2023).
Interview with Verònica Ahufinger | 2023 Women in Optics Planner – SPIE, USA (January 2023).
Interview with María Josefa Yzuel | Ciencia | EL PAÍS (, Spain (January 2023).
Interview with María Josefa Yzuel | El Periódico de Aragón, Spain (March 2020).
Interview with María Josefa Yzuel | Radio Huesca – Cadena SER, Spain (December 2019). YouTube
Interview with María Josefa Yzuel | ¿Por qué tan pocas?: Tecnólogas y científicas a la luz, Spain (March 2019). YouTube
Interview with María Josefa Yzuel | Radio Huesca – Cadena SER, Spain (December 2018). YouTube
Interview with María Josefa Yzuel | laSexta Noche – La Sexta, Spain (October 2017).
María Josefa Yzuel, Doctor Honoris Causa by the University of Granada, Spain | UAB, UGR (May 2017). YouTube
Interview with María Josefa Yzuel | Miguel Hernandez University, Spain (March 2017). YouTube
Interview with María Josefa Yzuel | Mujeres con ciencia, Spain (December 2015).
Interview with María Josefa Yzuel | Asociación de Mujeres Investigadoras y Tecnólogas (AMIT), Spain (July 2014).
María Josefa Yzuel, Doctor Honoris Causa by the Miguel Hernández University, Spain | UAB, UMH (January 2012).