Dr. Octavi López

Position: Associated Professor

Office: C3/-160

E-mail: octavi.lopez(at)uab.cat

Dr. Octavi López started research in 1996 in the Optics Group of the Physics Department of the UAB and since then he has specialized in the characterization of spatial light modulators and their applications in diffractive optics. In 2007, he obtained his doctorate in physics at the UAB with the thesis “Control of the response of an optical system by means of non-uniform transmission pupils and multiplexed lenses”. He has been an adjunct professor in the Optics and Optometry studies at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) and has been adjunct professor in the Department of Physics at the UAB since 2000.

He combines teaching and research in optics with professional work in the field of scientific communication at the Communication Unit of the rectorate of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.