It’s been six weeks since I last wrote in this blog, the longest break I have taken since I started it back in 2010 and, hence, a cause for reflection on time and tiredness. In these weeks I have seriously considered closing down the blog, fearing that I simply have no time for it. A […]
Han pasado seis semanas desde la última vez que escribí en este blog, el descanso más largo que me he tomado desde que lo comencé en 2010 y, por lo tanto, un motivo de reflexión sobre el tiempo y el cansancio. En estas semanas me he planteado seriamente cerrar el blog, temiendo que simplemente no […]
I have been keeping a list of all the books I read since I was 14, in part as a way to check that I am reading every year as much as I think I should. I learned from an article I found last Summer in El País that I am a ‘super-reader’, that is […]
He estado manteniendo una lista de todos los libros que leo desde que tenía 14 años, en parte como una forma de verificar que estoy leyendo todos los años tanto como creo que debería. Aprendí por un artículo que encontré el verano pasado en El País que soy una ‘superlectora’, es decir, una lectora que […]
As I announced in the first post of this year, I have launched a new edition of the Department’s Book Club. My collaborator, Felicity Hand, and myself visited a series of classrooms a couple of weeks ago to present the club, and sent all the students an email message through the BA and MA degree […]
Como anuncié en la primera entrada de este curso, he lanzado una nueva edición del club de lectura del Departamento. Mi colaboradora, Felicity Hand, y yo visitamos una serie de aulas hace un par de semanas para presentar el club, y enviamos a todos los estudiantes un mensaje a través de los coordinadores de Grado […]
Nine months ago I published the post “Depression and Anxiety: The Main Academic Keywords Today” and I return today to the topic out of a need to process a situation that is beginning to make me quite angry. I am going through a personal complicated period, with immediate material causes that are slowly sorting […]
Hace nueve meses publiqué el post “Depresión y ansiedad: las principales palabras clave en la universidad” y hoy vuelvo al tema por la necesidad de procesar una situación que empieza a enfadarme bastante. Estoy pasando por un período personal complicado, con causas materiales inmediatas que se están resolviendo lentamente (no problemas mentales per se), […]
I am finally breaking a silence of four weeks after being snowed under a prodigious mountain of proofreading and being also busy writing indexes, aspects of writing we never discuss. I’m breaking that bad habit here. I used my time off the classroom in 2022 to work on four volumes to be published in […]
This post is inspired by the article “Seventy-five years of richly illustrated literary classics – in pictures”, which celebrates the work of The Folio Society. This is a British independent publisher, established in 1947, which has so far published 2400 beautifully designed editions for book lovers. Not knowing anything about them, I was astonished not […]