A bibliographical database on History of Catalonia
The Fons d’Història Local de Catalunya (FONSHL) is a free access bibliographic catalog on History of Catalonia.
115. 679
local journals and journal articles
17. 837
component parts
Theses and dissertations
Access to the fulltext
non book materials
For 36 years and under the direction of professor Dr. Borja de Riquer, FonsHL was produced by the UAB’s Servei de Documentació d’Història Local de Catalunya (SDHLC), the Scientific and technical service Sibhilla and nowadays by the Sibhilla project, within the Library Service of the UAB.
FonsHL contains more than 250.000 bibliographical references. These references have been selected in general and university libraries, museums, archives and local information centres of Catalonia. It also has references of journal articles on Catalonia from Spanish scientific journals that were provided, thanks to an agreement, by the CINDOC (CSIC), and other references that came from 13 local and regional databases developed by the SDHLC.
What FONSHL contains?
Type of materials
- Books and unpublished manuscripts
- Local journals
- Journal articles
- Component parts (chapters, congress proceedings)
- Other non book materials (sound recordings, audiovisuals, computer files, etc.)

Type of documents
- Historiography and scientific studies
- Theses and dissertations
- Didactic materials and instructional guides
- Congress Proceedings
- Grey literature
- Biographies and memoirs of Catalan people

Subject and geographic scope
FonsHL collects bibliographical references on the disciplines of history, humanities and social sciences and covers a variety of subjects: politics, society, geography, economy, religion, culture, art, education, etc., without chronological restrictions (there are references from Prehistory to Contemporary history)
The geographical scope is Catalonia, from a historical, political and administrative point of view: Municipalities (or its parts as: boroughs, parishes), “comarques” (Catalan administrative counties), natural regions (natural parks, mountain ranges..), provinces and other administrative and territorial divisions, current or historical (dioceses, “corregiments” or counties)
Bibliographical information
The bibliographical references contain the following information:
– The bibliographic description: following the ISBD rules (title, authors, publication, physical description, series, notes…)
– The content description, covering the following areas:
o Geographic subject. The geographic scope of the information of the books, whether they be administrative divisions (municipalities, “comarques”, provinces, boroughs), religious divisions (dioceses, parishes), geographic features (rivers, mountain ranges, natural parks) or historical divisions (former municipalities, counties, baronies)
o Period of time: The chronologic scope of the document content.
o Subject terms: The terms that describe the subjects covered by the document. These terms are collected in the Tesaurus d’Història de Catalunya (History of Catalonia Thesaurus)
o Personal names (name of persons when they are the subject (as in biographies and memories)
o Coroporate names (name of organizations or corporations when they are the subject (annual reports, regulations…)
– Abstract if available
– Electronic location and access The path to locate and access an electronic version of the bibliographic record
– Location: Libraries or information centres where the document can be found