Puig-Mayenco, E., Tubau, S. and C. Menares Arancibia. “The processing of so-called unacceptable structures: Negative Concord in Southern British English”. Poster. XVII Symposium of Psycholinguistics 2025. Barcelona, 26/5/2025-28/5/2025.
Tubau, S. “Syntactically modelizing non-quantificational never“. 47th International Conference of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies (AEDEAN). Sevilla (Universidad Pablo de Olavide), 6/11/24-8/11/24.
Tubau, S. “Question tags: where unconventional Merge, multidominance and Commitment Space semantics meet.” Workshop Functional categories and meaning hierarchies. Bellaterra, 21/09/23-22/09/23.
Tubau, S. “Neg-raising and question tags in English: An experimental pilot study”. 45th Conference of the Spanish Association for Anglo-American Studies (AEDEAN). Cáceres, 16/11/2022-18/11/2022.
Jiménez-Fernández, Á. and S. Tubau. “A preliminary account of some similarities and differences between English and Spanish vulgar and non-vulgar minimizers”. 44th Conference of the Spanish Association for Anglo-American Studies (AEDEAN). Santander, 24/11/2021-26/11/2021.
Etxeberria, U., Tubau, S. and M.T. Espinal. “Polarity and Negative Concord. The case of Basque”. International Workshop on Negation. Vitoria-Gasteiz, 7/10/2021.
Jiménez-Fernández, Á. and S. Tubau. “A comparative study of English and Spanish vulgar minimizers”. 13th Workshop on Formal Linguistics. Brasilia (Brazil). 16/9/2021-17/9/2021. [on-line]
Espinal, M.T., Etxeberria, U., Tubau, S. “Drawing the limits between Negative Polarity and Negative Concord”. Poster. 46 Incontro di Grammatica Generativa, Università degli Studi di Siena. 23/2/2021-26/2/2021 [on-line]
Puig-Mayenco, E., Tubau, S., Rothman, J. “Language dominance: a factor modelling L3 developmental trajectories”. COM2020, University of Reading. 22/6/2020.
Tubau, S. “On the Syntax of English Vulgar Minimizers”. AEDEAN, University of Alicante. 13/11/2019-15/11/2019.
Espinal, M.T., Etxeberria, U., Tubau, S. “The limits between negative polarity and negative concord. A reference to Basque”. 55 CLS, Chicago. 16/05/2019-18/05/2019, and 29 Coloquio de Gramática Generativa, Ciudad Real. 22/05/2019-24/05/2019.
Tubau, S. “Towards solving some long-standing polarity puzzles: multidominance and the asymmetry between nothing and no N”. Reading, 04/03/2019. [Invited talk]
Tubau, S. “A polarity puzzle: the asymmetric behaviour of nothing and no + DP in object position”. AEDEAN 42, Córdoba. 07/11/2018-09/11/2018.
Espinal, M.T., Etxeberria, U., Tubau, S. “Two types of NPIs. The case of Basque and English”. 51st Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (Workshop 12: The constellation of polarity sensitive items), Tallinn, Estonia. 29/08/2018-01/09/2018.
Etxeberria, U., Tubau, S., Déprez, V. and M.T. Espinal. “How do Basque and Spanish speakers interpret (un)grammatical negative sentences?”. Annual meeting of the Red Temática de Excelencia “Significado y Gramática” (SIGGRAM) (FFI2016-81750-REDT), Vitoria-Gasteiz, 05/10/2017-06/10/2017.
Etxeberria, U., Tubau, S., Déprez, V. and M. T. Espinal. “Experimental investigations of negative dependencies: how informative can ungrammatical sentences be?”. 27th Colloquium on Generative Grammar, Alcalá de Henares, 17/05/2017-19/05/2017.
Tubau, S., Etxeberria, U., Déprez, V. and M.T. Espinal. “Relating (un)grammaticality to interpretation. Experimental investigations on negation”. Workshop of the Psycholinguistic Lab of the University of Reading. Reading, 09/05/2017.
Tubau, S., Etxeberria, U., Déprez, V. and M.T. Espinal. “Experimental investigations of negative dependencies: how informative can ungrammatical sentences be?”. Poster. Workshop on Negation and Negativity in Natural Language (NNNL17), Bochum, 27/04/2017-29/04/2017.
Puig-Mayenco, E., Miller, D., Bayram, F., Cunnings, I., Tubau, S. and J. Rothman. “A Bi-Directional Study of Early Bilingual Outcomes: Sentential Negation and Differential Object Marking Considered”. Poster. Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition 14. Southampton, 07/04/2017-09/04/2017.
Pladevall-Ballester, E., Puig-Mayenco, E., Tubau, S. and M. Capdevila-Batet. “Instances of acquisition where only learning is fostered: the case of null subjects in young learners of English”. Poster. Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition 14. Southampton, 07/04/2017-09/04/2017.
Espinal, M.T., Prieto, P. and Tubau, S. “Negation at the interfaces. New perspectives on experimental research”. Poster. GLOW2017. Compositionality at the interfaces, Leiden, 14/03/2017-18/03/2017.
Tubau, S. “Negative object quantifiers and tag questions in English: evidence for decompositionality and multidominance. CASTL Colloquium. Tromsoe, 18/11/2016. [Invited talk]
Huerta, A. and S. Tubau. “On advanced English learners’ perception of reverse polarity tag questions”. 40th AEDEAN Conference. Huesca, 09/11/2016-11/11/2016.
Espinal, M.T., Tubau, S., Borràs-Comes, J. and V. Déprez. “Some empirical facts on the interpretation of no and no…pas in Catalan”. 49th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE). Naples, 31/08/2016-03/09/2016.
Espinal, M.T. and S. Tubau. “Interpreting argumental n-words as answers to negative wh-questions”. Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL 46). Stony Brook, NY, 31/03/2016-03/04/2016.
Tubau, S. “Feminism and strategic translation of grammatical gender of A Room of One’s Own by Virginia Woolf”. 5th International Workshop on Higher Education (Women Translators, strategies and censorship workshop). Vic, 09/06/2015-12/06/2015.
Espinal, M. T., Tubau, S., González-Fuente, S. and P. Prieto. “On the validity of the truth-based vs. polarity-based taxonomy: an experimental investigation”. The pragmatics of grammar: negation and polarity. Caen, 19/05/2015-20/05/2015.
Déprez, V., Tubau, S., Cheylus, A. and M. T. Espinal. “Where there is Concord, there can be Discord: An experimental investigation of Catalan”. 45th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages. Campinas, 06/05/2015-09/05/2015.
Espinal, M.T., Déprez, V., Tubau, S. and A. Cheylus. “Double Negation in a Negative Concord Language: An Experimental Investigation. Linglunch. Paris, 23/04/2015.
Tubau, S., Déprez, V., Cheylus, A. and M. T. Espinal. “Experimentally investigating Double Negation in Catalan”. Workshop on Negation – Negation: Theoretical and Empirical Investigations. Barcelona, 18/12/2014-19/12/2014.
Espinal, M. T. and S. Tubau. “Building the meaning of n-words in Romance languages”. Workshop on Negation – Negation: Theoretical and Empirical Investigations. Barcelona, 18/12/2014-19/12/2014.
Déprez, V., Tubau, S., Cheylus, A. and M. T. Espinal. “Negative discord in a concord language: An experimental investigation of NC and DN in Catalan”. Going Romance 2014 Lisbon. 28th Symposium on Romance Linguistics. Lisbon, 04/12/2014-06/12/2014.
Tubau, S. “El gènere gramatical a la traducció de M. Milagros Rivera Garretas de A Room of One’s Own, de Virginia Woolf: una nova estratègia de traducció feminista?”. III Congreso Internacional Los Textos del Cuerpo: “El caleidoscopio autorial: textualizaciones del cuerpo-corpus”. Bellaterra, 02/12/2014-05/12/2014.
Ingham, R. and S. Tubau. “Some diachronic notes on the distribution of Negated Adjuncts in English”. LAGB Annual Meeting. Cambridge, 01/09/2014-05/09/2014.
Tubau, S. “Negative Concord in English, Double Negation in Romance”. Workshop Negation – An Interdisciplinary workshop on the syntax and semantics of negation. Wien, 08/04/2014. [Invited talk].
Tubau, S., González-Fuente, S., Prieto, P. and M. T. Espinal. “Prosody and gesture in the interpretation of yes-answers to negative yes-no questions”. Workshop on Ambiguity. Barcelona, 03/03/2014-04/03/2014.
Tubau, S., Borràs-Comes, J., Prieto, P. and M.T. Espinal. “Prosody and metalinguistic Double Negation in Catalan and Spanish”. 19th International Congress of Linguists. Geneva, Switzerland, 21/07/2013-27/07/2013.
Tubau, S., Espinal, M.T., González, S. and P. Prieto.”The effects of intonation and gesture in yes-answers to negative yes-no questions”. Workshop on Catalan Prosody. Barcelona, 17/06/2013.
Llinàs-Grau, M. and S. Tubau. “That-insertion in colloquial English restrictive relative clauses”. XXXVI Congreso Internacional de AEDEAN. Málaga, 14/11/2012-16/11/2012.
Tubau, S. “Virginia Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own: the challenge of translating ‘one’”. 11th Conference of the European Society for the Study of English. Istanbul, Turkey, 04/09/2012-08/09/2012.
Tubau, S. “Abordar la cuestión de genero en traducción: un ejemplo práctico”. V Conferencia Científica Internacional de Hispanistas El espanyol frente a los retos del siglo XXI: investigación y enseñanza. Moscow, 26/04/2012-28/04/2012.
Tubau, S. “Rivera Garretas’s Translation of Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own: to what extent does practice meet theory?”. Translation and Gender: A Gap Between Theory and Practice? Rende (Calabria), 08/11/2011-09/11/2011.
Tubau, S. “Faithfulness to the text: how does it contribute to (in)visibilising feminine gender in the Catalan and Spanish translations of Lessing’s The Golden Notebook?”. I Congrés Internacional sobre Gènere, Desenvolupament i Textualitat. Textos Fonamentals per al Desenvolupament de les Dones. Vic (Barcelona), 17/06/2011.
Prieto, P., Borràs-Comes, J., Tubau, S. and M. T. Espinal. “The contribution of prosody and gesture to the perception of double negation”. Poster. The 4th International Congress on Experimental Pragmatics. Barcelona, 02/06/2011-04/06/2011.
Tubau, S. “Feminine gender invisibilising strategies in the Spanish and Catalan translations of the first chapter of Lessing’s The Golden Notebook”. V Congreso de AIETI: Actualidad e Investigación en los Estudios de Traducción e Interpretación. Castellón, 16/02/2011-18/02/2011.
Tubau, S. “A comparative analysis of the Spanish and Catalan translations of Lessing’s The Golden Notebook: (in)visibilising feminine gender”. Poster. Congreso Internacional “Mujer y Traducción”. Málaga, 02/12/2010-03/12/2010.
Tubau, S. “Gender issues in the Catalan and Spanish translations of Doris Lessing’s preface to The Golden Notebook”. XIV Jornades de Traducció. Congrés Internacional: Traduir els clàssics, antics i moderns. Vic (Barcelona), 17/03/2010-18/03/2010.
Tubau, S. and J. Solà. “OV Sequences in Early Child Catalan and English”. Going Romance 2007. L1/L2 acquisition of word orde rand information structure in Romance. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 08/12/2007.
Tubau, S. “Allomorphy Rules, Multiple Grammars and Optionality of the Sentential Negative Marker in Negative Concord Constructions in Catalan”. Poster. Formal Approaches to Variation in Syntax. York, UK, 10/05/2007-12/05/2007.
Tubau, S. “Pre-verbal N-words in Spanish: A case of PF-deletion”. 5th Workshop in Syntax and Semantics. Bellaterra (Barcelona), 29/03/2007-30/03/2007.
Tubau, S. “The Syntax of Catalan and Spanish Pre-verbal N-words”. Workshop on Concord Phenomena and the Syntax and Semantics Interface. European Summer School of Language, Logic and Information (ESSLLI). Málaga, 07/08/2006-11/08/2006.
Tubau, S. “The Licensing of NPI-Subjects in Hiberno-English”. XXIX Congreso Internacional de AEDEAN. Jaén, 15/12/2005-17/12/2005.
Tubau, S. “N-V compounds in Catalan and the competition between syntax and semàntics”. 2nd Workshop in Syntax and Semantics. Barcelona, 16/08/2004-18/08/2004.
Tubau, S. “The Use of Resumptive Pronouns in Child Catalan and English Relative Clauses: A cross-linguistic comparison”. XXVII Congreso Internacional de AEDEAN. Salamanca, 18/12/2003-20/12/2003.
Tubau, S. “Wh-movement vs. non Wh-movement strategies for relative clause formation in child Catalan and English”. 3rd International Contrastive Linguistics Conference. Santiago de Compostela, 23/09/2003-26/09/2003.
Pearman, A. and Tubau-Muntañá, S. “Experience and the Perception of Coarticulated Speech”. Poster. The 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Barcelona, 03/08/2003-09/08/2003.
Pladevall-Ballester, E. and Tubau-Muntañá, S. “Critical Past and Promising Future for Language Acquisition”. The 12th Postgraduate Linguistics Conference. Manchester, UK, 12/04/2003, The University of Cambridge First Postgraduate Conference in Language Research (1st Camling). Cambridge, UK, 26/04/2003, and 1st EHU/U. Nantes/ CSL (Catalonia) Workshop in Syntax and Semantics, Vitoria-Gasteiz, 19/06/2003-21/06/2003.
Tubau, S. “Enunciative ‘Que’ in child Catalan declarative sentences: evidence for Theoretical Bilingualism”. 1st EHU/U. Nantes/CSL (Catalonia) Workshop in Syntax and Semantics, 19/06/2003-21/06/2003.
Tubau, S. “Enunciative ‘Que’ in child Catalan declarative sentences”. The University of Cambridge First Postgraduate Conference in Language Research (1st Camling). Cambridge, UK, 26/04/2003.
Tubau, S. “Enunciative ‘Que’ in child Catalan declarative sentences: An instance of Theoretical Bilingualism”. The 12th Postgraduate Linguistics Conference, Manchester, UK, 12/04/2003.
Martínez Ferreiro, S., Pearman, A., Riera, L., Padrosa, S., and S. Tubau Muntañá. “The Role of Experience in the Perception of Coarticulated Speech: An Empirical Study”. XXVI Congreso Internacional de AEDEAN. Santiago de Compostela, 12/12/2002-14/12/2002.
Tubau, S. “The Pre-verbal Early Schwa: A Formal Feature Analysis”. XXVI Congreso Internacional de AEDEAN. Santiago de Compostela, 12/12/2002-14/12/2002.
Llinàs-Grau, M. and S. Tubau Muntañá. “On the Nature of the Schwa in the Early Stages of Language Acquisition: A Minimalist Proposal”. XXV Congreso Internacional de AEDEAN. Granada, 13/12/2001-15/12/2001.