Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2023

Thursday May 18th 2023

TransMedia Catalonia logo next to the GAAD logo

Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) is an event that is celebrated every year around the world and aims to raise awareness about the importance of digital accessibility in an increasingly diverse and inclusive society, leaving no one behind.

This is the fifth year that TransMedia Catalonia participates in this international initiative. In GAAD 2019, TransMedia Catalonia opened the doors of its laboratory to the public to demonstrate the different accessibility services and modalities in which the group works. In GAAD 2020, the research group contributed online in the form of a playlist of accessible videos explaining the group’s various projects with integrated audio description and captions. In GAAD 2021, we offered an immersive accessibility showcase and launched the stable version of the MAP platform. In GAAD 2022, we offered three activities: we opened our lab, we launched new accessibility courses, and welcome more than 60 children to the university for an accessibility-related activity.

In 2023, TransMedia Catalonia celebrates GAAD 2023 with different activities that will be posted here.

Accessibility meets Sustainability, 18th of May 2023, 2.00 – 3.30 pm – Online

Transmedia Catalonia is hosting a webinar on May 18th at 2:00 pm to discuss the relationship between Digital Accessibility and Sustainability. Speakers will present their research on different aspects of accessibility and sustainability, including universal design, easy-to-read content, and accessible and sustainable events.

During the webinar, participants will have the opportunity to delve into the concept of Green Digital Accessibility and get insights into the upcoming conference scheduled for November 30th and December 1st, 2023 (GDA 2023), which will address this topic.

This webinar is an excellent chance to gain a deeper understanding of the importance of making the digital world accessible and sustainable for everyone. If you’re interested in this topic, make sure to join the webinar and get inspired!

Our Speakers‘ presentations

Online event in Catalan: “Vine a conèixer la Xarxa AccessCat, la Xarxa d’Innovació en Accessibilitat de Catalunya”, 18/05/23, 4 pm – Online / In Catalan

Us convidem a la presentació oficial de la Xarxa AccessCat (Xarxa d’Innovació en Accessibilitat de Catalunya: Mitjans, Educació i Cultura). La Xarxa AccessCat, que agrupa 12 grups de recerca de 8 institucions catalanes, pretén estrènyer els vincles entre universitat, empresa i societat, i esdevenir un referent en accessibilitat a la informació i la comunicació a Catalunya.

Us esperem en aquesta trobada en línia per explicar-vos quins són els objectius de la xarxa i les actuacions previstes. També serà una bona ocasió perquè ens feu arribar les vostres necessitats i idees, i puguem treballar plegats per trobar solucions innovadores en comunicació accessible.

Hi haurà interpretació en Llengua de Signes Catalana (LSC) i subtitulació en directe.

Durada aproximada de la sessió: 30 minuts.

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